
New Patient Treatment: $130

Follow-up Treatment: $65

Additional Modalities

Cupping / GuaSha: $10

Moxibustion: $10

Electro-Stimulation: $10

Biomat / Vibration Therapy: $10

Celluma Pulsed Light Therapy: $30



Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that works by stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities. Very fine sterile, one-time-use, disposable needles are placed in specific points along energetic meridians or pathways of the body. Patients may experience an initial sensation of pressure followed by deep relaxation during a treatment. Research shows that acupuncture stimulates endorphins, other neurotransmitters and brain chemicals that promote circulation, immune function and hormonal balance. Acupuncture is excellent for pain, inflammation reduction and is effective for both physical and psychological problems. One of the greatest advantages of acupuncture is the absence of undesirable side effects and the sense of well-being after treatments. Many patients receiving treatment, for example, for lower back pain will note after a few sessions a reduction in daily stress and a more balanced state of mind… these side effects are ones worth embracing.

After you complete a health history form and give consent to treatment, you’ll be asked a variety of Western health history questions, along with Eastern medicine questions (pulse, tongue diagnosis and palpation).

Depending on the area of treatment, you may be in a gown or remain in your clothing. You’ll be educated each step of the way regarding your treatment plan of care and why you’re receiving it.

The initial exam can last up to an hour and a half, while follow-up treatments are 30-60 minutes depending on case/severity. All information is confidential and full payment of services is expected at the end of each treatment session.