Reiki & The Chakras: The Basics

Everything is made of energy; our bodies, our emotions, molecules, pathogens, herbs, medications, and all life forms. Each of our cells pulse electrically and the body itself emanates an electromagnetic field that science can measure with different tools. The human body is a very complex energetic system composed of hundreds of energetic sub-systems. We can’t see all the energies that keep the body healthy and alive, but those that we can see are referred to as physical or measurable energies.  The energies we can not “see” are referred to as subtle energy. Science is starting to indicate that the subtle energies play a much bigger role in our design and that the subtle energies actually direct the measurable and form our physical frame work. When there is an imbalance in these energies in the body there is DIS-EASE. Health can be restored by balancing these energetic systems. We are going to focus how reiki can help to do just that by working with the chakra system. 

Let’s start with what is energy? Life force energy is defined as the energy that moves through all living things and keeps us alive. We share this energy. It is from the universe, from nature, and it cycles. In yoga we refer to life force energy as “Prana”. Prana is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as “life force”, “vital energy”, or “breath of life”. This creative power is constantly flowing inside us and all around us. It is what gives us vitality and keeps us healthy. This energy can become blocked. When this happens it can cause illness, pain, exhaustion, and dis-ease of many kinds. Sometimes this energy gets off balance and stuck from either physical, mental or emotional stress. Things like poor sleep habits, inadequate nutrition, lack of exercise, dehydration can impact the physical body. Things like loss, grief, heart ache, to over-working and not setting boundaries can also throw off our system’s energy in a huge way too. I believe the emotional components play a bigger role than we want to give credit to. This kind of stress is finally getting looked at by Western medicine as a major culprit in “dis-ease”.

The energy of the Chakras has been traced back to between 1500 and 500 BC. There are many different schools of thought on the chakras and how they work, and even how many there are, but the most common features are:

· They form part of the body and are related to endocrine glands

· They are located along the center channel​, along with the breath channels, or nadis, and the vagus​

· Two side channels cross the center channel at the location of the chakras​

·  They possess a number of "petals" or "spokes"​

·  They are generally associated with a mantra seed-syllable and often with a variety of colors and deities

7 Main Chakras

Root Chakra: Muladhara

Located at base of the spine- perineum    

Root Chakra can be stimulated by contracting the muscles that are between the anus and the genitals ​

·  Function- The Root Chakra is about connecting to the ground and feeling safe and secure.  The root chakra holds energy that influences the dynamics of birth issues, survival patterns, generational patterns, money, food, health issues, grounding and what keeps you from belonging.  ​

·  Physical area of the body this chakra impacts is the Endocrine System - Adrenals; Body - Excretory System; end of coccyx, perineum, hands, feet, below naval​

· Affects- Obesity, Hemorrhoid, constipation, sciatica, skeletal system, bones, arthritis

  • Abandoned Child-Victim​

  • Family wounds and tribal beliefs, fear that there is not enough... money, food, whatever it is that makes one feel safe, fear of being hurt- trust issues

Sacral Chakra: Svadhisthana          

Located at base of public bone between genitals and front of the spine        

Sacral Chakra is associated with creativity, stimulation, determination, birth, and owning ones sexuality​

·  Associated Body Area: Endocrine System - Ovaries and testes; Bladder, Kidneys Reproductive system; Wrists, Ankles-  Hips and lower abdomen, blood, lymph​

· Function – Pleasure, Creativity, Centre of sexual energy, feelings and emotions.

· Affects- Desire, creativity, reproductive system, impotence, frigidity, uterine, bladder, PMS, cramps, low back pain, hot flashes, relationship intimacy issues, shyness, obsessions, compulsions, eating disorders

Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura

· Located midway between naval and base of sternum​

· The Solar Plexus is the seat of self-esteem, will power, confidence, warrior energy, transformation​

· Governs the Digestive system, Metabolism, Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System, Forearms, Calves, ​

· Physical Issues- Hypertension, ulcers, insomnia, muscle spasms, sluggish, poor appetite, poor digestion, fatigue, diabetes, inflammation, 

  • Overactive- arrogant, self-centered, fame seeking, control issues

  • Under Active- low self-esteem, hypersensitive to criticism, poor self-image, fear of rejection, victimized, eating disorders

Heart Chakra: Anahata  

The Heart Chakra is your point of balance between the body and mind, balance between the Earth and Heaven​

·  The bottom 3 chakras have to do with everything with the physical body, and sensations, while the upper chakras are more about intuition, interconnectedness, your mind, and the spirit

  • Associated with social identity, forgiveness, unconditional love, stability, patience, wisdom, compassion, and emotional empowerment  -- "I love"  ​

  • Governs: Heart, Rib Cage, Lungs, Thymus, Chest, Elbows, Knees, Upper Back, ​

  • Emotional imbalances: difficulty with love, lack of hope, moodiness, despair, envy, fear, jealousy, anger, anxiety

Throat Chakra: Vishuddha      

Located in the throat at the base of the neck​

·  Associated with communication, expression, and integrity​

·  Systems: Thyroid, parathyroid, vocal cord, esophagus, mouth, teeth, neck, trachea, cervical vertebrae, shoulders and arms​

·  Imbalances in this chakra can cause- laryngitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, teeth problems, jaw problems, earaches, ear problems, sinus infections, arthritis in shoulder, sore shoulder, neck problems, stress

·  Guilt is the main emotion linked to clog this chakra​

· Over-active throat chakra: over opinionated, critical of others, verbally abusive, not allowing others to talk back or voice their opinions, it will be your way or no way​

· Under-active throat chakra: wishy-washy, flaky, unreliable, sending mixed messages, difficult time being honest

Third Eye Chakra: Ajna

Located: at the brow and above the base of the nose​

  • Affects the Endocrine system especially the Pituitary Gland and pineal gland, metabolism, mood, and sleep​

  • Governs head, eyes, pituitary and pineal glands and neurological problems​

  • Health Issues-  headaches, eye problems, neurological problems

  • The Third eye is the seat of wisdom and the seat of conscience.  This is where you see what is going on and you know what it means as well.  This is where your sense of justice and ethics originate.  It helps one examine self-limiting ideas and developing wisdom that comes from a perspective that transcends the duality of good and bad, black or white. ​

  • Blockage in this chakra can cause us to become delusional, unimaginative, indifferent, poor memory, poor focus, worry excessively, spaced-out

Crown Chakra: Sahasrara   

Located at the very top of the head​

·  Affects: Muscular system, Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, eyes, nervous system, ​

·  May experience muscular disease, chronic exhaustion with no medical explanation, sensitivity to light and certain sounds

  • Crown Chakra being out of balance: Confusion, depression, lack of inspiration, fear of success,  identity issues, being judgmental​

  • Health Issues related to this Chakra being out of balance:  migraines, brain tumors, coma, amnesia, nervous system and muscular system disorders, mental issues, skin disorders

Reiki and how it helps to balance out our seven Chakras:

Reiki is just one amazing tool for helping to re-align and balance out our Chakra system. Reiki can help to open up and get these energy centers moving if they are stagnant or stuck. An imbalance in one or more of these chakra centers can show up as an emotional or physical symptom. By moving the energy and opening up the chakra the recipient should have help resolving the symptoms. There are many layers to healing and reiki is amazing with helping to get the recipient started on the healing path. Practitioners tap into the divine universal flow of energy and channel this energy to the recipient. The practitioner will hold their hands over the person’s chakra points while tapping into this healing flow of energy. The energy is moving from the healer to the patient and will only and always be for the patients highest good. There are also symbols that a practitioner can draw over the chakra points to activate these areas even more.  Reiki aims to restore energy and alignment to the person receiving the session. Many people report feeling different sensations during a reiki session. Some sensations reported back can range from heat, to a light pressure, to even sensing movement in these areas. Patients often report back with improvement in sleep, energy, digestion, clearer thinking, an overwhelming sense of calm and peace and so much more. There are other ways to balance the chakras too. Acupuncture, yoga, meditation, an Auyvedic diet, managing stress, crystals, sound and light therapy are a few others. Adding any of these modalities along with a reiki session is also a great combination for healing!


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